Competition Electronics ProChrono DLX Chronograph

Price: $ 255.00


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The ProChrono DLX ballistic chronograph with improved accuracy specs and built-in Bluetooth

Great for firearms, shotguns, archery, airguns, and paintball. Everything is included for outdoor use. For indoor use, we recommend our optional Indoor Lighting System (part# CEI-4100). Requires one 9 volt alkaline battery for operation (not included)

Here are some key features of the newest model available from Competition Electronics:

  • On-board Bluetooth connectivity, and more options with FREE apps for iOS, Android, Kindle, PC, and Mac
  • Internal and external refinements with updates to the circuitry and enclosure design
  • Built in full featured operating system with multiple shot string memory and statistics
  • Sensing system compatible with a wide variety of light conditions and projectiles
  • Faster internal shot clock for improved accuracy to +/- .5% or better
  • Replaceable Alkaline 9 volt battery power (not included) for 20+ hours of operation    

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